Monday 4 May 2015

Breeding Migrants- Wyre Forest

Yesterday we decided to walk along the old railway line in the Wyre Forest in order to see some of the recently arrived spring migrants.  Both Wood and Garden Warbler were in abundance, along with Chiffchaff, Bullfinch, Mallard and a distant calling Cuckoo was noted.  We were however, still looking for the Pied Flycatchers that breed in the area and having no luck, sat on a stump overlooking the Knowles Coppice Reserve.  It was then that we spotted a small bird not 10 metres away from us.  So we followed it down one of the paths and found it was in fact a Female Pied Flycatcher!  Not only that, but it was collecting material (mostly moss) to line its nest with (inside a nest box).  Shortly afterwards, the stunning Male arrived- a truly handsome bird, which guarded the nest box while the female was away gathering materials.  Theses birds are declining in the area so hopefully this pair can successfully raise a brood this summer.

Male Pied Flycatcher

Male and Female At The Nest Box

Male and Female taking turns at the Nest

Female collecting Moss

Female Pied Flycatcher

Female Pied Flycatcher